Friday, February 19, 2010

Easter, $15 at the door please

So I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of charging to see an Easter Play...

I just have this weird feeling like, it's supposed to be shared, telling the story to people who need to see it in a certain light.  I did a lot of plays in High School and we charged for every one... but none of them had anything important to say, like "Free Life, come and get it."

I understand that plays cost money to put on, but feeding five thousand men costs money too... just saying

Tonight I realize that I am blessed to have grown up in a place where no matter what the cost, it's worth it for ONE person, if only one.  Do we have the best plays? I will tell you upfront that the answer is no.  But we are feeding a lot of people with what few loaves of bread we do have and a couple of fish...

I'm in no way downing any one who charges anything, I am in no place to judge any one, it's just my personal feelings... nothing more, nothing less.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Panorama!

just a quick wrap around panorama of my yard.
My yard has never looked quite like this, since last time it snowed it wasn't this much
and last time it snowed this much this yard was nothing but trees.