Sunday, July 11, 2010

S(uperheroes) A(nonymous)

So, lets be honest... have you ever wanted to dress up like a superhero and just do good stuff?

My knee jerk reaction to this story was that it was really easy to make fun of anyone who actually dressed up like a 'superhero' and went out in public.  But then I realized that people were going out and doing things, just good things, that most people fail to do on a daily basis.  They are ordinary people who just want to help make their world a better place.  Handing out water, raising money for the homeless, helping the little old lady across the street.  All the little things that you expected Superman to do on his down time, not because he could fly, but because it was the right thing to do.

Check out this article, it explains a bit of what they do.  Seems very "Christian" like to me, minus the crazy costumes.  These are people who were tired of talking about doing something, tired of talking about how bad it is, and actually got up and did something, and having a little fun while they're at it.

So next time you see someone in the park who looks like they could use a break, or a little old lady who just can't make it across the road, go ahead, be a superhero.  You'll feel pretty good about it, and you don't even have to wear spandex to do it!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Welcome to SUMMERville

It's June.

and its really hot out.  Even the nights are warm.  The rain rolls in and cools off for a while but as soon as the sun comes out the temp jumps up.  (why do they say "the sun comes out"? did the sun ever "go in"?)  The joys of not having an A/C in the car and a top that currently doesn't go down are certainly making this a less than enjoyable time.

On top of that tomorrow is a golf tournament, eighteen perfectly mowed but ill shaded patches of grass and a hole in the ground.  At least there are golf carts!

in all honesty the heat doesn't bother me too much, but it makes it a necessity to stay cool when you get the chance and enjoy the little things (Like HVAC!).

so what about you, do you cope with the cold or the heat better?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Today I found out why I drive a convertible

and the reason is this:

I don't think a wheel chair would fit in the trunk of a coupe.

makes total sense right?

I took a trip after church to Columbia for a birthday lunch.  Got finished eating and started to make my way home.  Getting road tired I decided to stop and grab something to drink.

Getting off I realized that it was not the exit I thought it was, and for a moment I contemplated hoping back on the highway to go up to the next one (which was the one I was intending to get off)  but I decided this gas station was as good as any other.

Parked, went in passed the guy in a wheelchair selling pictures of Jesus (that he had drawn), the kind that you could tell it was simply because he was not one to beg, he wanted to give something and not just take.

Walked in and just kept wondering what (if anything) I was supposed to do, prayed about it, and as I walked out I still didn't know.

I almost walked by... I did walk by.  But in a surprise to myself I turned around.

Long story short I grab the guy lunch and then when I asked if I could pray with him about anything he said he actually had prayed that he could find a ride to church.  I'm not going to lie at first I thought "Well, that stinks, I got to be heading home"  then I realized I was an hour ahead of schedule.

So I took a wrong exit which turned out to be a right turn, and maybe made a difference in some guys life.

funny is even after I told him I'd give him a ride he offered to pay me (with the money that a lady 'bought' one of his pictures with)  And I realized that that man, in that situation wasn't asking for hand outs, he would just asking for a hand, he was in a rough spot but he had every bit of his dignity in tact.

idk, maybe God organized this (ok, he totally organized this) I'm just impressed that I was listening enough to actually hear him when he told me to move.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Where I am, where I'm going

Did some looking back at old photos tonight.  Its strange to think how drastically my life has changed.  People I once saw every day I haven't heard from in months, or years.  I think the fact that I'm 21 finally settled in, and while I don't feel 'old' I do feel like I should be sure to make the most of this time, before I am old.

Looking at pictures of the last few years I couldn't help but think of what Will Hoge had to say:
"Don't want to look back on a photograph and say that these were the days."

I don't feel old, I just feel motivated to LIVE.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Easter, $15 at the door please

So I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of charging to see an Easter Play...

I just have this weird feeling like, it's supposed to be shared, telling the story to people who need to see it in a certain light.  I did a lot of plays in High School and we charged for every one... but none of them had anything important to say, like "Free Life, come and get it."

I understand that plays cost money to put on, but feeding five thousand men costs money too... just saying

Tonight I realize that I am blessed to have grown up in a place where no matter what the cost, it's worth it for ONE person, if only one.  Do we have the best plays? I will tell you upfront that the answer is no.  But we are feeding a lot of people with what few loaves of bread we do have and a couple of fish...

I'm in no way downing any one who charges anything, I am in no place to judge any one, it's just my personal feelings... nothing more, nothing less.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Panorama!

just a quick wrap around panorama of my yard.
My yard has never looked quite like this, since last time it snowed it wasn't this much
and last time it snowed this much this yard was nothing but trees.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Because enough people take pictures during the day

Some images from down town Charleston

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