Friday, March 27, 2009

The latest (buy maybe not greatest) project!

This is a motorcycle that I got from a lady who wanted it "Out of my driveway!"
When she asked if we would take it I said "free motorcycle? HECK YES!"

The catch: It has been sitting in her driveway for two years! It doesn't run, and is dry as a bone. It does turn over though. Its in peices right now waiting to be fixed and turned into a sweet cafe' racer!

Peddlers Pocket

This guy is an amazing friend of mine (for all of you who don't know him)
check out this sweet plan to make a difference in peoples lives with bikes!

"I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike! I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride where I like!" lol.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

my computer is a zombie

It's been a decent amount of time since I blogged, the reason why? my computer died. Hard drive just up and toasted itself one day. Lucky for me!

Ok, so unlucky, but the first time it did similar things I went in to Best Buy and they said "Its a program issue, so its not under warrenty"

Needless to say I did not pay them. I went home and figured it out myself.

the next time I try doing the same thing, doesn't work. So I try reinstalling the OS...and then it really doesn't work. Bring it into Best Buy "Oh, yeah, its your hard drive." Just goes to show you you might not want to jump to conclusions at the "Geek Squad" desk.

Any way the computer is finally back up and running now...of course I have to start from scratch and reinstall all my programing and such, but at least I have it back.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


When was the last time you were excited about opening up a new record? shoot, when was the last time half of us OPENED a new record...(and I'm not talking about the digital file)

Well last night I was excited, why? because I just purchased the new Coldplay album, "Viva La Vida". By album I mean record, as it "record player". thats right, I got a Vinyl record. It's so much fun! I can't even play the thing (yet) but I'll tell you what, its about the coolest thing I own right now.

Now I just have to go find a record player to buy...hum...

ps: it came with the CD also, so I can listen to that...but I want to listen to the record! so cool.