Made the jump from good old Fire Fox to Google Chrome and I have to say... rest in peace Fire Fox.
so far this new browser is a heck of a lot faster than Fire Fox, the people at Google are very very smart. but seriously though, how the heck do they make any money? after all this thing is open source!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
God should never have to show up UNexpected. we should always expect him to show up... in acts when they healed the crippled man... they totally expected God to show up...
"Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened"
"Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened"
Saturday, November 14, 2009
"To Write Love on Her Arms"
some of the first shot's I've done with a model...
Model: Christine Glendening
and check out "To Write Love on Her Arms"
Model: Christine Glendening
and check out "To Write Love on Her Arms"
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
"I am the plank in my eye"
Some times we feel that something is in need of changing but we can't really put our finger on it, or we can put our finger on a couple of things and yet we can't ever make them change. the truth is that they are not the things that are in the way.
I am the plank. I am skewing my own vision, I'm seeing the world THROUGH me. I am my own "rose colored glasses" and I am horribly cracked and scratched. (Wear a scratched pair of sunglasses long enough and you learn not to see the imperfections.) I am the reason that when I do things they do not happen, when I pursue things I do not get them, when I knock the door seems to stay shut.
Now the problem lies in how exactly one goes about removing them self from their own eye?
It seems painfully obvious that "alone" is not the answer to this question. and yet more often than not I am content to attempt just that, as if I could simply jump out of my own way...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
some things that melt the plastic.
some times I wonder what it is people are more afraid of. Is it that we fear the heat of the flame or is it that we fear losing that which we have become so accustom to hiding behind?
God opens our eyes to things that must be changed, things we must put away, childish things, things of the world. Things that we have learned to live with, or chosen to live with. Many times we find that they are tucked neatly away, hidden behind a mask.
When we first put on our mask it was unnatural and uncomfortable, but as we continue to wear it it becomes natural. We put it on every morning before we get up, and eventually we stop taking it off when we lay down. There comes a point when the mask starts fooling the wearer more and the viewer less. The mask becomes our truth and underneath our truth the secrets still remain. the cleaner we keep the mask the more we want to hide the secrets, the struggles, the imperfections. The mask becomes our truth, and sometimes we forget what it was we used to be, we forget what we would look like with out a mask, we fear that with out the mask we are our secrets.
So the question remains... is it the pain that comes from burning off the plastic that we are scared of, or the losing of the mask and all the secrets underneath?
The truth we must realize is that if the Mask is put to the flame all the stuff hidden underneath it will also be burned away, even the person so that all our imperfections can be burned away and we can see in the mirror a reflection of the one who created us, more than what we were when we began.
I've been putting off starting a project titled "the Masquerade" and I have no doubt that a part of that is because some were inside I know that it will call to question what masks I still hide behind... and I have to ask myself this same question, what is it that I am afraid of?
God opens our eyes to things that must be changed, things we must put away, childish things, things of the world. Things that we have learned to live with, or chosen to live with. Many times we find that they are tucked neatly away, hidden behind a mask.
When we first put on our mask it was unnatural and uncomfortable, but as we continue to wear it it becomes natural. We put it on every morning before we get up, and eventually we stop taking it off when we lay down. There comes a point when the mask starts fooling the wearer more and the viewer less. The mask becomes our truth and underneath our truth the secrets still remain. the cleaner we keep the mask the more we want to hide the secrets, the struggles, the imperfections. The mask becomes our truth, and sometimes we forget what it was we used to be, we forget what we would look like with out a mask, we fear that with out the mask we are our secrets.
So the question remains... is it the pain that comes from burning off the plastic that we are scared of, or the losing of the mask and all the secrets underneath?
The truth we must realize is that if the Mask is put to the flame all the stuff hidden underneath it will also be burned away, even the person so that all our imperfections can be burned away and we can see in the mirror a reflection of the one who created us, more than what we were when we began.
I've been putting off starting a project titled "the Masquerade" and I have no doubt that a part of that is because some were inside I know that it will call to question what masks I still hide behind... and I have to ask myself this same question, what is it that I am afraid of?
Saturday, September 19, 2009

I have only recently gotten into the bicycle thing. My bike is cheap, my helmet is good, my ipod has a cracked screen, and my bottle cage is duct taped to my bike. It's not a professional set up. as a matter of fact I don't know that I would call it an amateur set up.
Despite this I am quite fond of my bike. Once plastered with random "mongoose" stickers which I removed. and a unruly at best gear mechanism (we'll just call it that for now, I know that's not what it's called bike people) I got the bike on a whim for its price (Wally world special) and the fact that it had a full suspension that I knew would be fun for a rather large, steep, and rocky hill at Kids Camp.
Since I got it I already want a decent road bike, something that can seriously move. But until I save the money to get one it'll be me and the silver wonder.
I had a light bulb moment today. Riding the bike to church for the Bike Run (haha, irony) I can make it to church in around 15-20 min depending on how casual I'm feeling (usually more casual on the way home)
Pulling into the church I can feel my legs, they are telling me "When you get of this bike we are gonna have a good long talk" but they keep trucking just the same. My heart likewise is telling me that as soon as we are done it's got a mind to jump out of my throat and punch me in the face... but on it pumps.
And then I get off...
You can't sit down after something like that, the body is shocked, it can be dangerous... and chances are you will not be able to stand for some time. so there I am, finishing off my water bottle, bent half over having that conversation with my legs. The thought "I had a perfectly good car at home I could have DROVE" did not hesitate to cross my mind.
But the fact is that I never once think that when I am ON the bike. No matter how much my legs burn, how hot the air in front of me is, I never think about the fact that I didn't have to ride. I just aim to get to the next space ahead of me, where ever that space leads.
Now for the spiritual moment:
The real pain comes when you get off and the body has time to remind you exactly how much it just worked. The muscles have been stretched and worked and changed. Standing there afterward you are no longer working the muscle, but it has not stopped telling you there is a change taking place. And whats more sitting down right off the bike could potentially harm that change.
Kinda like spiritual change some times.
We often go threw change, revival, revelation. Never thinking about how hard it is, how much work is being done. But once we "Get off the bike" we are hit with it all and so many times we sit strait down and don't let that change take a permanent hold on our lives. It's the hardest part of a serious work out, like a runner who takes that one last walk around the track after running for a mile. You don't WANT to, the feelings you are suddenly faced with all seem to point to the "Go sit your butt down" option.
So, how many times have you "Sat down" and later on when you tried to get back up you realized sitting down so fast was not a good idea?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I know I'm moving... I just don't know where.
hmm. It's been a while since I blogged anything.
well the reason for that is simple enough, I haven't thought of anything interesting enough to blog... or just haven't been in the mood.
simple answer right?
Lately I've been going in a lot of different directions. My car being broke has put me off center for the past week or so. Some people could care less what they drive as long as they get from point a to point b. I am not one of those people. Not knowing how long this is going to take and constantly finding snags along the way are killing me.
Kinda like my spiritual life... strangely enough.
I know God is working in me. I have no idea what he is doing or planning, though I know what I would LIKE for him to be doing or planning. I am doing my very best to hold on for dear life in the hope that I end up where I'm supposed to be. It's hard to hold on and wait for something when you don't know where you are going, or what you have to do to get there.
At least with the car I know what the end looks like, while I'm still not sure what it will take to get there.
well the reason for that is simple enough, I haven't thought of anything interesting enough to blog... or just haven't been in the mood.
simple answer right?
Lately I've been going in a lot of different directions. My car being broke has put me off center for the past week or so. Some people could care less what they drive as long as they get from point a to point b. I am not one of those people. Not knowing how long this is going to take and constantly finding snags along the way are killing me.
Kinda like my spiritual life... strangely enough.
I know God is working in me. I have no idea what he is doing or planning, though I know what I would LIKE for him to be doing or planning. I am doing my very best to hold on for dear life in the hope that I end up where I'm supposed to be. It's hard to hold on and wait for something when you don't know where you are going, or what you have to do to get there.
At least with the car I know what the end looks like, while I'm still not sure what it will take to get there.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
the "reverse" God Moment
Every one loves "God Moments" the times you look back on and know that you know that God was doing some crazy stuff in you. The times when you just felt God moving. I have had plenty of "God Moments" in my life, when I thought I was gonna change my world and be on fire for the rest of my life and go go go...and then I'd fall flat on my face.
Well this week the Youth had "the Awakening" a crazy revival that was pumped full of God every night. It was one of those events you just KNOW is gonna rock you to the core.
Except it didn't.
Oh God showed up alright. Every service God did some amazing things in peoples lives, people were changed, lives were changed, and "God Moments" were experienced.
Except for me.
All week long I went into it hoping to find God, hoping to break into some incredible moment, some great heart felt worship. I wanted to have a "God Moment", but it never happened, not even tonight when God took the entire plan for the night, flipped it on its head, and hit it with a baseball bat.
It got me on my knees. I talked a lot, out loud, hoping God was listening. It forced me to be honest with myself. I didn't know what was going on or what I was supposed to do. I really did expect God to show up randomly and say "Ok, I'm here...God Moment" but it never happened.
I think He gave me a little perspective. OK, He gave me a lot of perspective. He proved that while I need Him, He does not need me. He gave me a place from which to restart my relationship with Him. I will need help. I will need a lot of help, from God and from the people He has put in my life.
God made a point NOT to show up to me this week. It hurt. I still don't know exactly where to go, what to do, or even how to understand what his plan in this is, but I do know that I don't ever want to have to be reminded that I'm slacking on my relationship with Him.
I know now how God feels when He calls out to me and I don't listen...
Well this week the Youth had "the Awakening" a crazy revival that was pumped full of God every night. It was one of those events you just KNOW is gonna rock you to the core.
Except it didn't.
Oh God showed up alright. Every service God did some amazing things in peoples lives, people were changed, lives were changed, and "God Moments" were experienced.
Except for me.
All week long I went into it hoping to find God, hoping to break into some incredible moment, some great heart felt worship. I wanted to have a "God Moment", but it never happened, not even tonight when God took the entire plan for the night, flipped it on its head, and hit it with a baseball bat.
It got me on my knees. I talked a lot, out loud, hoping God was listening. It forced me to be honest with myself. I didn't know what was going on or what I was supposed to do. I really did expect God to show up randomly and say "Ok, I'm here...God Moment" but it never happened.
I think He gave me a little perspective. OK, He gave me a lot of perspective. He proved that while I need Him, He does not need me. He gave me a place from which to restart my relationship with Him. I will need help. I will need a lot of help, from God and from the people He has put in my life.
God made a point NOT to show up to me this week. It hurt. I still don't know exactly where to go, what to do, or even how to understand what his plan in this is, but I do know that I don't ever want to have to be reminded that I'm slacking on my relationship with Him.
I know now how God feels when He calls out to me and I don't listen...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
My family as a rule does not like the hospital. If some one doesn't make us go chances are we will not go. Take the least amount of fun you could ever have and them multiply it and then double that and make it last a couple of hours (day/weeks depending) and you have a hospital experience.
Some people just go to the hospital, weather they are indifferent about the situation, or are still annoyed that they have to go but would rather be safe. My family (especially the guys) would rather wait it out... I mean like you tell me an illness/issue and I'll show you a group of people who would seriously consider sitting in the recliner and saying: "Got to die some time"
we don't like hospitals.
after my first visit to the ER in a long time (last time I went to the ER was before I started school) I have reinforced the dislike of hospitals...two hours and a fluffy white bandage later and I'm leaving the ER wondering why I let myself talk myself into going in the first place... and then I remember how much my thumb had been hurting prior. I still say it would have been fine with out the fancy solution they made me soak it in for that two(ish) hours.
Some people just go to the hospital, weather they are indifferent about the situation, or are still annoyed that they have to go but would rather be safe. My family (especially the guys) would rather wait it out... I mean like you tell me an illness/issue and I'll show you a group of people who would seriously consider sitting in the recliner and saying: "Got to die some time"
we don't like hospitals.
after my first visit to the ER in a long time (last time I went to the ER was before I started school) I have reinforced the dislike of hospitals...two hours and a fluffy white bandage later and I'm leaving the ER wondering why I let myself talk myself into going in the first place... and then I remember how much my thumb had been hurting prior. I still say it would have been fine with out the fancy solution they made me soak it in for that two(ish) hours.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
the 4th of July is probably the greatest holiday for the American people. sure, you don't get gifts, but you do get to hang out with loved ones and celebrate the greatest experiment the world has ever known.
Being a red blooded American I absolutely love the fourth of July. being a self proclaimed pyromaniac I also absolutely love shooting off fireworks.
I'm so thankful that every year we are able to celebrate the sacrifice that was made to make this country great. Sure, there are things that are messed up. Sure there are things I don't agree with. But for all the mistakes and trouble and problems this is still the "Land of the Free and the home of the Brave"
God Bless America!
Being a red blooded American I absolutely love the fourth of July. being a self proclaimed pyromaniac I also absolutely love shooting off fireworks.
I'm so thankful that every year we are able to celebrate the sacrifice that was made to make this country great. Sure, there are things that are messed up. Sure there are things I don't agree with. But for all the mistakes and trouble and problems this is still the "Land of the Free and the home of the Brave"
God Bless America!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A poem
I stumbled on this while I was going through some old .doc files. It's a poem I wrote after my Grandmother passed away this winter. Turns out some of the saddest days of our lives can also me the most beautiful.
It snowed today in Brooklyn, a family pays their due
A friend for life lies peacefully, our hearts are cut in two
With sadness in our hearts, we let her pass away
And wonder to our self, why she couldn’t stay
We wipe our tears with laughter, from the days gone by
Of memories and stories, of her and you and I
And though our hearts are heavy, though tears will sting our eyes
We whisper now “I love you”, and say our last good byes
The winter morns her passing, and sends one final gift
And while the world is freezing, a snow’s begun to drift
Beauty despite sadness, in our memory will be
And despite our morning, remember a beautiful scene
It snowed today in Brooklyn, and it will be a while
So until I see you, I love you grandma...
A friend for life lies peacefully, our hearts are cut in two
With sadness in our hearts, we let her pass away
And wonder to our self, why she couldn’t stay
We wipe our tears with laughter, from the days gone by
Of memories and stories, of her and you and I
And though our hearts are heavy, though tears will sting our eyes
We whisper now “I love you”, and say our last good byes
The winter morns her passing, and sends one final gift
And while the world is freezing, a snow’s begun to drift
Beauty despite sadness, in our memory will be
And despite our morning, remember a beautiful scene
It snowed today in Brooklyn, and it will be a while
So until I see you, I love you grandma...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Life: it's good
ever have one of those moments when everything just clicked? Even if you were in the middle of crazy stress and things you sit down and realize how wonderful life is and just want to be lazy and enjoy it for a while. I feel like that.
I've got a crazy two weeks ahead of me, and have had some crazy days last week, and just events in general lately have been starting to take a toll on me, but right now I feel amazing. Even though I know I've been kinda stressed I feel great, relaxed (if a bit tired) and just ready for whatever comes next.
It's one of God's small gifts, the little moments that we get to sit back, relax, and realize how amazing life really is.
"I see trees of green, red roses too,
I see them bloom for me and you,
and I think to myself, what a wonderful world,
I see skies of blue, clouds of white,
bright blessed days, dark sacred nights,
and I think to myself, what a wonderful world."
I do believe this is part of what God had in mind when he said "life more abundantly"
I've got a crazy two weeks ahead of me, and have had some crazy days last week, and just events in general lately have been starting to take a toll on me, but right now I feel amazing. Even though I know I've been kinda stressed I feel great, relaxed (if a bit tired) and just ready for whatever comes next.
It's one of God's small gifts, the little moments that we get to sit back, relax, and realize how amazing life really is.
"I see trees of green, red roses too,
I see them bloom for me and you,
and I think to myself, what a wonderful world,
I see skies of blue, clouds of white,
bright blessed days, dark sacred nights,
and I think to myself, what a wonderful world."
I do believe this is part of what God had in mind when he said "life more abundantly"
Friday, May 29, 2009
I'm tired of 'Church'.
I'm tired of people who go to 'Church'
I'm tired of playing for 'Church'
I'm tired of hanging out after 'Church'
I'm tired of going to 'Church'
I'm tired of having to walk through a door to get to 'Church'
I'm tired of spending so much time in 'Church' that I'm never out doing something for the lost
I'm tired of going through the same pointless conversations with myself because I'm to stubborn or lazy to do anything about my weakness', my sins, my failures.
I'm tired of willingly giving less than my best to some one who gave me everything.
I'm tired of double standards
I'm tired of cameras
I'm tired of dull worship
I'm tired of fake people
I'm tired of being fake
I'm tired of wishing life seemed real, but never stepping up to the plate to make it real
I'm tired of chasing after a life that is meaningless
I'm tired of be congratulated, admired, thanked, recommended, thought highly of, or complemented
I'm tired of life
Where is this life leading if not toward Christ? I'm tired of myself, and I realize it so often, but my nature is to be lazy and stubborn and I fail to make any steps in the right direction.
"This might hurt, its not safe, but I know that I've got to make a change
I don't care if I break, at least I'll be feeling something
Cause just OK is not enough, help me fight through the nothingness of life.
I don't want to go through the motions,
I don't want to go one more day
with out your all consuming passion inside of me,
I don't want to spend my whole life asking,
"what if I had given everything, instead of going through the motions?"
No regrets, not this time, I'm gonna let my heart defeat my mind
Let your love, make me whole, I think I'm finally feeling something
Cause just OK is not enough, help me fight through the nothingness of this life
I don't want to go through the motions,
I don't want to go one more day
with out your all consuming passion inside of me,
I don't want to spend my whole life asking,
"what if I had given everything, instead of going through the motions?"
_Matthew West: the motions
Its time for the Church to step up and step out, to start being real. Its time for ME to step up and step out. I'm tired of going through the motions.
If you read this I'm asking you: Call me out, don't be timid, don't be shy, I'm ready to be something more than what I am, and on my own I can't do that. I'm tired of a life that isn't 150% sold out to God, and I know I'm surrounded by people who feel the same way.
I'm tired of people who go to 'Church'
I'm tired of playing for 'Church'
I'm tired of hanging out after 'Church'
I'm tired of going to 'Church'
I'm tired of having to walk through a door to get to 'Church'
I'm tired of spending so much time in 'Church' that I'm never out doing something for the lost
I'm tired of going through the same pointless conversations with myself because I'm to stubborn or lazy to do anything about my weakness', my sins, my failures.
I'm tired of willingly giving less than my best to some one who gave me everything.
I'm tired of double standards
I'm tired of cameras
I'm tired of dull worship
I'm tired of fake people
I'm tired of being fake
I'm tired of wishing life seemed real, but never stepping up to the plate to make it real
I'm tired of chasing after a life that is meaningless
I'm tired of be congratulated, admired, thanked, recommended, thought highly of, or complemented
I'm tired of life
Where is this life leading if not toward Christ? I'm tired of myself, and I realize it so often, but my nature is to be lazy and stubborn and I fail to make any steps in the right direction.
"This might hurt, its not safe, but I know that I've got to make a change
I don't care if I break, at least I'll be feeling something
Cause just OK is not enough, help me fight through the nothingness of life.
I don't want to go through the motions,
I don't want to go one more day
with out your all consuming passion inside of me,
I don't want to spend my whole life asking,
"what if I had given everything, instead of going through the motions?"
No regrets, not this time, I'm gonna let my heart defeat my mind
Let your love, make me whole, I think I'm finally feeling something
Cause just OK is not enough, help me fight through the nothingness of this life
I don't want to go through the motions,
I don't want to go one more day
with out your all consuming passion inside of me,
I don't want to spend my whole life asking,
"what if I had given everything, instead of going through the motions?"
_Matthew West: the motions
Its time for the Church to step up and step out, to start being real. Its time for ME to step up and step out. I'm tired of going through the motions.
If you read this I'm asking you: Call me out, don't be timid, don't be shy, I'm ready to be something more than what I am, and on my own I can't do that. I'm tired of a life that isn't 150% sold out to God, and I know I'm surrounded by people who feel the same way.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
FWDed to the blog.
I'm not a fan of email in general, unless i'm trying to buy stuff... so I'll post this here:
I'll bet this was a surprise to NBC.
Do you believe that the word God should stay in American culture?
NBC this morning had a poll on this question.
They had the highest Number of responses that they have ever had for one of their polls, and the Percentage was the same as this:
I'll bet this was a surprise to NBC.
Do you believe that the word God should stay in American culture?
NBC this morning had a poll on this question.
They had the highest Number of responses that they have ever had for one of their polls, and the Percentage was the same as this:
86% to keep the words, IN God We Trust and God in the Pledge of Allegiance 14% against
That is a pretty 'commanding' public response.
I was asked to send this on if I agreed or delete if I didn't . Now it is your turn. It is said that 86% of Americans believe the word God should stay. Therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a mess about having 'In God We Trust' on our money and having God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why is the world catering to this 14%? AMEN!If you agree, pass this on , if not, simply delete.
In God We Trust!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
these are some shots from the newsboys concert. plenty more to come (half the trouble is sorting out about six folders worth of images) enjoy for now and wish you had been there!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mandatory Military Service
volunteer > conscription
We defeated the worlds greatest military when we fought the revolutionary war with a volunteer army and a bunch of second hand weapons.
that’s all I'm saying.
We defeated the worlds greatest military when we fought the revolutionary war with a volunteer army and a bunch of second hand weapons.
that’s all I'm saying.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Transit: Whole, Wise, Free

the Transit Whole Wise Free art show is tonight! doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 7!! come see some AMAZING work, including a top secret piece by Jason Smith that will be revealed tonight for the first time. also "the Pirate" Justin has his sweet transit piece to be revealed!
Show includes: Photography, Paint, Sketch, Sculpture.
With music by: Jeff ET and Rock Horror
and a sweet light show by yours truly!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Bread of Stone, Vota, and Newsboys
I love great concerts, and this was a great concert. the stage rig was fantastic, the bands were awsome, the crowd was into it. It was a show that moved seamlessly from rock show to worship and back again, from pure intertainment to deep conversation with out so much as a hickup. It was an awsome show. I am officially a fan of Bread of Stone and Vota, two bands I had not really heard of before. Check them out, and soon to come, PICTURES! I have easily over 200 images from the night (being a stage hand has its advantages!!) stay tuned!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
One of lifes little secrets revield:
Whats the point of getting somewhere, if you have to change who you are to do it? And if you have to change who you are to make it, have your really made it at all?
The fact is a woman from California obviously thinks that there is no point in going all the way if you have to leave part of your self behind, namely : your beliefs.
The first runner up in the Miss America contest stood up and said "I think marrage should be between a man and a woman" she was Miss California, and she is an American Hero if ever there was one. I've never been a fan of the pagent thing, but this woman proved that you don't always have to do what will win. After all she made it all the way to second place, and she stood for what she believed and didn't give a "politicaly correct" answer.
You Go Girl!
the moral of this story: If you have to go against your moral standing to get where you're going, then your going in the wrong direction.
The fact is a woman from California obviously thinks that there is no point in going all the way if you have to leave part of your self behind, namely : your beliefs.
The first runner up in the Miss America contest stood up and said "I think marrage should be between a man and a woman" she was Miss California, and she is an American Hero if ever there was one. I've never been a fan of the pagent thing, but this woman proved that you don't always have to do what will win. After all she made it all the way to second place, and she stood for what she believed and didn't give a "politicaly correct" answer.
You Go Girl!
the moral of this story: If you have to go against your moral standing to get where you're going, then your going in the wrong direction.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
"What are we gonna do for Easter?"
"We'll have a bunny!"
"What? What does a bunny have to do with Jesus!?"
"Don't worry, he'll lay eggs...and then we'll hide them in the yard and find them again!"
I don't rememeber who tells that joke but its funny when he does so laugh!
its Easter! its a beautiful day outside and it was an awsome service at church.
But whats the point of Easter?
the short story:
"2000 years ago God died on a cross to save the world and then he rose from the dead cause he's to awsome to be held down by death" -CHV (chuck hendrix version)
But whats the point? why did Jesus die on a cross? We can look around and see that we still have plenty of problems in the world. So why?
What if the point of Easter isn't the fact that the man who died to save the world defeated death? What if the point is that in doing so he gave us the tools to do the same? What if he died so we could go to the ends of the earth and defeat death?
What if Jesus died so we could live life in a real way? I'm so tired of "Church Edicat" that I could puke.
Jesus didn't die for "Church Edicat" he died for life and love and hope and joy. Jesus died so we could be like David and dance with all our might and not care what the people around us say. He died so we could be like the aposles and declare his name unto death. He died so we could be like Moses, unsure of ourselves and scared but made to be great in the name of God. He died so we could tame the lions in the den and heal the sick and move mountains and tear down walls and lift his name up and bring him to every one.
"We'll have a bunny!"
"What? What does a bunny have to do with Jesus!?"
"Don't worry, he'll lay eggs...and then we'll hide them in the yard and find them again!"
I don't rememeber who tells that joke but its funny when he does so laugh!
its Easter! its a beautiful day outside and it was an awsome service at church.
But whats the point of Easter?
the short story:
"2000 years ago God died on a cross to save the world and then he rose from the dead cause he's to awsome to be held down by death" -CHV (chuck hendrix version)
But whats the point? why did Jesus die on a cross? We can look around and see that we still have plenty of problems in the world. So why?
What if the point of Easter isn't the fact that the man who died to save the world defeated death? What if the point is that in doing so he gave us the tools to do the same? What if he died so we could go to the ends of the earth and defeat death?
What if Jesus died so we could live life in a real way? I'm so tired of "Church Edicat" that I could puke.
Jesus didn't die for "Church Edicat" he died for life and love and hope and joy. Jesus died so we could be like David and dance with all our might and not care what the people around us say. He died so we could be like the aposles and declare his name unto death. He died so we could be like Moses, unsure of ourselves and scared but made to be great in the name of God. He died so we could tame the lions in the den and heal the sick and move mountains and tear down walls and lift his name up and bring him to every one.
yay! after an eventfull few hours (with an easter production slap in the middle) I've got my car back!
short blog.
short blog.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Major FAIL
Stupid stupid radiator. theRooster has been parked until further notice because I need to replace the radiator in it. GRR! with any luck it will happen soon and I'll be back on the road by Monday. so gay.
Friday, March 27, 2009
The latest (buy maybe not greatest) project!
This is a motorcycle that I got from a lady who wanted it "Out of my driveway!"
When she asked if we would take it I said "free motorcycle? HECK YES!"
The catch: It has been sitting in her driveway for two years! It doesn't run, and is dry as a bone. It does turn over though. Its in peices right now waiting to be fixed and turned into a sweet cafe' racer!
Peddlers Pocket
This guy is an amazing friend of mine (for all of you who don't know him)
check out this sweet plan to make a difference in peoples lives with bikes!
"I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike! I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride where I like!" lol.
This guy is an amazing friend of mine (for all of you who don't know him)
check out this sweet plan to make a difference in peoples lives with bikes!
"I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike! I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride where I like!" lol.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
my computer is a zombie
It's been a decent amount of time since I blogged, the reason why? my computer died. Hard drive just up and toasted itself one day. Lucky for me!
Ok, so unlucky, but the first time it did similar things I went in to Best Buy and they said "Its a program issue, so its not under warrenty"
Needless to say I did not pay them. I went home and figured it out myself.
the next time I try doing the same thing, doesn't work. So I try reinstalling the OS...and then it really doesn't work. Bring it into Best Buy "Oh, yeah, its your hard drive." Just goes to show you you might not want to jump to conclusions at the "Geek Squad" desk.
Any way the computer is finally back up and running now...of course I have to start from scratch and reinstall all my programing and such, but at least I have it back.
Ok, so unlucky, but the first time it did similar things I went in to Best Buy and they said "Its a program issue, so its not under warrenty"
Needless to say I did not pay them. I went home and figured it out myself.
the next time I try doing the same thing, doesn't work. So I try reinstalling the OS...and then it really doesn't work. Bring it into Best Buy "Oh, yeah, its your hard drive." Just goes to show you you might not want to jump to conclusions at the "Geek Squad" desk.
Any way the computer is finally back up and running now...of course I have to start from scratch and reinstall all my programing and such, but at least I have it back.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
When was the last time you were excited about opening up a new record? shoot, when was the last time half of us OPENED a new record...(and I'm not talking about the digital file)
Well last night I was excited, why? because I just purchased the new Coldplay album, "Viva La Vida". By album I mean record, as it "record player". thats right, I got a Vinyl record. It's so much fun! I can't even play the thing (yet) but I'll tell you what, its about the coolest thing I own right now.
Now I just have to go find a record player to buy...hum...
ps: it came with the CD also, so I can listen to that...but I want to listen to the record! so cool.
Well last night I was excited, why? because I just purchased the new Coldplay album, "Viva La Vida". By album I mean record, as it "record player". thats right, I got a Vinyl record. It's so much fun! I can't even play the thing (yet) but I'll tell you what, its about the coolest thing I own right now.
Now I just have to go find a record player to buy...hum...
ps: it came with the CD also, so I can listen to that...but I want to listen to the record! so cool.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Epson Stylus Photo r1900!
This is an amazing printer. It came in the mail tuesday, and I printed with it yesterday. A kid in a candy store where every thing was free would not be as excited as I am right now! This is a semi-professional printer. which is to say, its to good to print documents. It's a 13 inch wide format printer that can print pages 13 by 44 inches! Thats amazing. And its sitting in my living room.
Its amazing!
and I got it on dicount!
Which is even more amazing!
Its amazing!
and I got it on dicount!
Which is even more amazing!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Feb...spring...and the smell of burnt rubber.
Ok, back to the good old crazy Chuck and his silly car blog posts!
It's February! Hooray! The drag strip will (With any luck) be sticking it to the financial crisis and opening up for those of us who bite the bullet and fill up our tanks multiple times a week because we are addicted to making our cars move quicker than the guy beside us.
Note: if you have a sports a motorcycle, you'll save gas that way.
Any way. I'm itching to make the trip out to Dorchester Dragway and test out my new set up...with any luck it isn't going to be the same very long.
For the rest of you who are laughing at all the silly car guys have a good one too.
"Its not about how many miles you get...its about how much fun you have with in those miles"
It's February! Hooray! The drag strip will (With any luck) be sticking it to the financial crisis and opening up for those of us who bite the bullet and fill up our tanks multiple times a week because we are addicted to making our cars move quicker than the guy beside us.
Note: if you have a sports a motorcycle, you'll save gas that way.
Any way. I'm itching to make the trip out to Dorchester Dragway and test out my new set up...with any luck it isn't going to be the same very long.
For the rest of you who are laughing at all the silly car guys have a good one too.
"Its not about how many miles you get...its about how much fun you have with in those miles"
Friday, February 13, 2009
*WARNING:: Political Rant* Mr. President, you are a liar.
So today congress voted on a bill. This bill is the single largest spending bill passed by congress. This bill dwarfs the stimulus package that was passed under Bush, which the American people said no to.
This rant is about the bold face lie that has been handed to the American people. Barack Obama said that the government needed to be transparent, but this bill was finalised behind closed doors. Barack Obama said that all bills would be open to the public for 48 hours before being passed into law...the bill was not even completed until late last night, and it was voted on today.
The American People have been lied to and many of us welcomed this with open arms.
The bill was rushed because Nancy Pelosi needed to go to Italy to receive an award. Why is Nancy Pelosi even getting an award from somebody in ITALY!? Why is she getting an award from ANYBODY!?? Politicians shouldn't get awards! If they do a good job they get re-elected...besides, its their JOB to do a good job...that's why we vote for them in the first place.
Now, I'm just a simple guy who gets most of his info from the news and talk radio. So far I have heard nothing actually good about this bill. I love the bit about some ridicules amount of money going to help the salt weed mouse, or what ever. WHY ARE WE GIVING A MOUSE MONEY!? I don't care if it's endangered...the bill is supposed to stimulate the ECONOMY! The salt weed mouse will NEVER BUY ANYTHING...and as such can NEVER help the economy.
_Side note_
("Oh, but it's endangered and we need to take responsibility for killing it off"...I agree that we need to take care of the planet, but we need to let a dead horse, or mouse, lie. PEOPLE are dieing because of stuff we've done wrong...PEOPLE are more important than a freaking mouse. If I lose control of my car and hit a person and a mouse...who should I bring to the hospital?)
_End side note_
I'm not saying that its bad to try and help the American people out (after all, it's partially the governments fault we got into this mess) I'm sure that there must be some good in this bill. Sure, OK, pass it, but only after it's been read, amended, cut down to size, got all the junk pulled out of it, and made into an actual bill that could actually help instead of a dumping pot of random spending.
But no, what do we get? We get, "Oh, this is a good me, you don't need to read it...its only like 1000 pages, there is no way we hid anything in it. Oh and about that whole "we'll let the American people read see it first" thing, forget we said that." And THAT is what I'm saying is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! BAD IDEA! You NEVER EVER EVER sign a contract involving money if you don't READ IT FIRST! because if you did there is a chance that you get RIPPED OFF!
Oh, but politicians never rip people off...right. Because we know when we are going to get ripped off...because that makes sense.
The Government has finally proven once and for all that it is broken. The People in charge right now can not operate the thing we call government correctly. I was riding to work today and I was actually scared for the future. What in the world are we doing? How did we let this happen?
God bless America...we're gonna need it.
This rant is about the bold face lie that has been handed to the American people. Barack Obama said that the government needed to be transparent, but this bill was finalised behind closed doors. Barack Obama said that all bills would be open to the public for 48 hours before being passed into law...the bill was not even completed until late last night, and it was voted on today.
The American People have been lied to and many of us welcomed this with open arms.
The bill was rushed because Nancy Pelosi needed to go to Italy to receive an award. Why is Nancy Pelosi even getting an award from somebody in ITALY!? Why is she getting an award from ANYBODY!?? Politicians shouldn't get awards! If they do a good job they get re-elected...besides, its their JOB to do a good job...that's why we vote for them in the first place.
Now, I'm just a simple guy who gets most of his info from the news and talk radio. So far I have heard nothing actually good about this bill. I love the bit about some ridicules amount of money going to help the salt weed mouse, or what ever. WHY ARE WE GIVING A MOUSE MONEY!? I don't care if it's endangered...the bill is supposed to stimulate the ECONOMY! The salt weed mouse will NEVER BUY ANYTHING...and as such can NEVER help the economy.
_Side note_
("Oh, but it's endangered and we need to take responsibility for killing it off"...I agree that we need to take care of the planet, but we need to let a dead horse, or mouse, lie. PEOPLE are dieing because of stuff we've done wrong...PEOPLE are more important than a freaking mouse. If I lose control of my car and hit a person and a mouse...who should I bring to the hospital?)
_End side note_
I'm not saying that its bad to try and help the American people out (after all, it's partially the governments fault we got into this mess) I'm sure that there must be some good in this bill. Sure, OK, pass it, but only after it's been read, amended, cut down to size, got all the junk pulled out of it, and made into an actual bill that could actually help instead of a dumping pot of random spending.
But no, what do we get? We get, "Oh, this is a good me, you don't need to read it...its only like 1000 pages, there is no way we hid anything in it. Oh and about that whole "we'll let the American people read see it first" thing, forget we said that." And THAT is what I'm saying is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! BAD IDEA! You NEVER EVER EVER sign a contract involving money if you don't READ IT FIRST! because if you did there is a chance that you get RIPPED OFF!
Oh, but politicians never rip people off...right. Because we know when we are going to get ripped off...because that makes sense.
The Government has finally proven once and for all that it is broken. The People in charge right now can not operate the thing we call government correctly. I was riding to work today and I was actually scared for the future. What in the world are we doing? How did we let this happen?
God bless America...we're gonna need it.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
CS4 and the Gallery is actually being used as a gallery!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
3 hours = 12 hours
yeah, its been like a month. thats a long time. The issue here is the fact that I shoot RAW images and they are HUGE, and with out photoshop on this computer its hard to get the images reformated and uploaded.
Any way...on to the blog
Saturday Kurt, Catch, and myself, all arrive at the church garage at nine to lift my car up and swap out the gears. max 3 hours. We lose Catch at noon and we still haven't even gotten to the install portion. We are already way behind.
Long story short, we didn't get finished and on to the actuall test drive untill nine that night. We spent twelve hours under my car, with a short brake for lunch (which didn't come untill dinner time.) But it was all well worth it.
Any way...on to the blog
Saturday Kurt, Catch, and myself, all arrive at the church garage at nine to lift my car up and swap out the gears. max 3 hours. We lose Catch at noon and we still haven't even gotten to the install portion. We are already way behind.
Long story short, we didn't get finished and on to the actuall test drive untill nine that night. We spent twelve hours under my car, with a short brake for lunch (which didn't come untill dinner time.) But it was all well worth it.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Back to school and spending money like a crazy person!
Well, to be honest the two things don't go together...Yes, its that great time of year when all the students gas up their cars and go back to school. Its that time of year when the teachers give out the stupid materials sheets and you realize that you are going to have to buy a couple of hundrid dollars worth of crap...for some of us on a per class basis.
God bless financial aid. lol.
Any way here is the really big news, and whats more, the important stuff!
Today there was ordered a set of Ford Racing Performance Parts 3.73:1 rear end gears for a 93 mustang. (that would be my car) This is the first big item for my car. (not even really a big item...but what ever.) YAY!! Good by gas mileage, hello fun car!!
(I also purchased a Card reader so I can get the pics from my cameras onto my computer so expect some pics to be heading this way!!)
God bless financial aid. lol.
Any way here is the really big news, and whats more, the important stuff!
Today there was ordered a set of Ford Racing Performance Parts 3.73:1 rear end gears for a 93 mustang. (that would be my car) This is the first big item for my car. (not even really a big item...but what ever.) YAY!! Good by gas mileage, hello fun car!!
(I also purchased a Card reader so I can get the pics from my cameras onto my computer so expect some pics to be heading this way!!)
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