Wednesday, November 4, 2009


"I am the plank in my eye"

While wondering why it was that I could see that I had a "plank in my eye" and yet I could not remove it I stumbled upon this simple idea... "I am the plank in my eye". Sometimes the reason we can not remove the plank is because we ARE the plank...

Some times we feel that something is in need of changing but we can't really put our finger on it, or we can put our finger on a couple of things and yet we can't ever make them change. the truth is that they are not the things that are in the way.

I am the plank. I am skewing my own vision, I'm seeing the world THROUGH me. I am my own "rose colored glasses" and I am horribly cracked and scratched. (Wear a scratched pair of sunglasses long enough and you learn not to see the imperfections.) I am the reason that when I do things they do not happen, when I pursue things I do not get them, when I knock the door seems to stay shut.

Now the problem lies in how exactly one goes about removing them self from their own eye?

It seems painfully obvious that "alone" is not the answer to this question. and yet more often than not I am content to attempt just that, as if I could simply jump out of my own way...

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