Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We got Greed

Heres an eye opener...
it is estemated that world hunger could be solved...cost: 30 billion dollars a year
it is estemated that the world water crises could be solved...cost: 4 billion dollars a year

In 2007 the US had 301,139,947 people the number is now more BUT we'll go with that.
it is estemated that the average american will spend 800 dollars on Christmas this year (down about 100 dollars from last year)

that means we will spend about 240,911,957, would take 15% of that a year to SOLVE WORLD HUNGER...

Do you know what 15% of 800 dollars is? $120

Yeah, tell me how alot of the 300 million americans are kids and how alot of them are not spending 800 dollars on christmas bla bla bla. Ok, cut the number in half, $120,455,978,800 spent, 28% solves the problem. which is $224 per person for 150 million people.

So what am I saying? that every one needs to go out with their $120 or $224 and solve world hunger? well, yeah...if some one could actually mobilize the effort then thats exactly what needs to happen...but I know its not going to. (minus an act of God, which I am so up for if He is)

What I'm saying is that maybe we need to look at what we spend our money on. Maybe its time we stop worrying about how much we have and how much we can get and start looking at how much we can do with what we have already.

Maybe, just maybe, every now and again we can stop getting paid to work and turn around and Pay to work. I know, its a novel idea, its like sliced bread, or grace and forgiveness...take your pick.

Maybe its time we did the right thing and didn't ask for anything in return.

We got enough Greed to go around...anybody got Jesus?

::EDIT:: Thank you Dan for correcting my math (really big numbers clogged me up that day) I make no claim to be a math wiz, so I've made the changes. .15 is now 15, so on and so forth.
(I wonder what it is when you spread it amongs the all of the people in the top 10% of the worlds economy? not just the US?)

the new magic number:: $120 dollars a year.
To quote that stupid insurance commercial "wow...thats a new pair of shoes"...


  1. Chuck, you are on to something great. Now we just need to get the word out and start collecting $5 a person...yeah it's more than you calculated as needed, but it would also give us the money needed to handle the processing, transportation and all that other stuff that goes with getting needy people the stuff they need.

    Thanks for breaking it down!


  2. I think if you check the math, it's actually 15%, not .15%. That still only works out to $120 a person, which is achievable.

    Not trying to be negative, just being a math nerd :)
