America has selected our next president. Personally I think he was the wrong choice, do I think John McCain would do a better job? Simply put, No. I voted for John McCain because of his stance on certain issues, the major issue being right to life vs. right to choice. When Barrack Obama said that answering the question of when life begins was “Above his pay grade” He lost all chance of me voting for him because he has supported Partial birth abortions, if it is above his pay grade to choose when life begins than he should not have voted either way on partial birth abortion. I will not get into the life issue right now though.
I have heard people say that Obama is the antichrist…I can tell you that I don’t think he is. But I do think he has the ability to steer the United States into a very bad direction.
First I’ll talk about his views on the military.
He wants to bring our troops home quickly. Great, I say get them home as soon as practically possible. Problem:: if you remove all US activity from Iraq and the new government isn’t capable of standing up for itself Al Quida will regain control and we will have some serious trouble to deal with.
I don’t know that what we did when we invaded Iraq was called for, some times I think we need to stop sticking our nose in other peoples business. But I know that removing Sudam Husain from power was Good, removing Al Quida from power was Good.
Leaving that country to fend for itself if it is not ready to, would not only be Bad, but it would be Wrong. I don’t care if it was G. W. Bush who put us there, if Barack Obama lets that country fall apart then it will be his fault, NOT Bush’s. At least Bush refused cut and run from his mistake. What we are doing in Iraq right not basically comes down to owning up to our mistake. Barack Obama (and others) want to act like we can swipe it under the rug. This will hurt us greatly.
Last on the Military issue is this:: I don’t think he has any idea of how the Military works or what it stands for. “Don’t give some one who doesn’t know how to shoot a gun the key to the worlds biggest guns.”
Secondly I want to talk about his views on foreign policy.
He has said that he will talk with world leader that we have not talked to.
America used to stand up to terror like Popeye with a can of Spinach. There are very few pages in the “How to deal with Terrorists” Handbook, page one :: “DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS” page two:: “SEE PAGE ONE” page three:: “Up hold freedom and JUSTICE…and the American way.”
But this isn’t just about Terrorists, its about all the leaders out there who don’t uphold freedom and justice.
The other “western” countries don’t seem to have some of the problems we do when it comes to terrorists. I don‘t know of to many countries that hate, lets say, France. But that is because these countries focus on America because for so long America has stood as the symbol of the “western” world, and recently it is because we have refused to back down from our beliefs.
America is the country that has been big and bad enough to stand up and say, “That’s it.” We stood up and told Communism to stuff it, even when it meant ending up bloody and bruised. When Terrorists demand the US Government pay for hostages, the NAVY Seals suit up and make payments in shipments of lead, “from gun barrel with love”. We were GI Joe, we keep the bad guys in check so others don’t have to and some times, every now and again, we are Superman, when nobody else can get the job done.
America may have a bad reputation, but if I learned anything in school its that standing up for what is Good and Right often gives you a bad reputation. For a long time America was the star jock and the guy who did what was right…it was the American dream. I think about playing cops and robbers… “You’ll never take me alive copper, bang!” there was no negotiating, there was the Good guy and the Bad guy.
Now we are starting to act like every body else. We are putting away the old beliefs. We are putting away American Pride. We are losing jobs because “Proudly Made In America” doesn’t mean as much to us as it used to. We want to make friends with every body. We want to talk with every body. Even Jesus didn’t talk with all the people all the time. Some times you just have to tip the tables over and say “That’s it.”
But I’ve ranted enough.
All I can do is hope and pray that Barack Obama turns out to be a good president. I pray that he does half as much good as he says he will, (although not necessarily the “good” that he says he will do) I pray that he does change what needs to be changed and he leaves what needs to be left. I pray that he wakes up every morning refreshed and goes to sleep every night with out worry. I pray that no harm comes to him or his family while he is in office. I pray that no disasters strike his term in office. I pray that he will be good for America. And I pray that others will support him in this same way.
I could not support him at the polls because he does not stand for what I stand for, but I can and will support him this way, because he is the next president of the United States of America.
BRAVO!!! Keep this up and I may start checking your blog twice a day... or maybe even three times. Oh the possibilities!! Very nice.