Sunday, October 26, 2008

and so the blogging begins.

Well, this is the first thing in theRooster Gallery...More to Come.

PS: Thanks a freaking lot Jenna...Gr.


  1. blogging is amazing!! yay!!!!

    and no, my pictures aren't technical and I'll probably get a D or maybe even an F. Whatever.

  2. so... im still waiting for something profound. words, pictures, jokes?? anything?
    Get on it. At this rate you're never going to be obsessed with blogging.
    Have you shot your portrait yet? I have a tip for you if you haven't.

    ps- I did not like our design critique today. I got attacked.
    " which would you hang over your fireplace? jenna's crappy art or that nice one right next to it?" so terrible.
