some times I wonder what it is people are more afraid of. Is it that we fear the heat of the flame or is it that we fear losing that which we have become so accustom to hiding behind?
God opens our eyes to things that must be changed, things we must put away, childish things, things of the world. Things that we have learned to live with, or chosen to live with. Many times we find that they are tucked neatly away, hidden behind a mask.
When we first put on our mask it was unnatural and uncomfortable, but as we continue to wear it it becomes natural. We put it on every morning before we get up, and eventually we stop taking it off when we lay down. There comes a point when the mask starts fooling the wearer more and the viewer less. The mask becomes our truth and underneath our truth the secrets still remain. the cleaner we keep the mask the more we want to hide the secrets, the struggles, the imperfections. The mask becomes our truth, and sometimes we forget what it was we used to be, we forget what we would look like with out a mask, we fear that with out the mask we are our secrets.
So the question remains... is it the pain that comes from burning off the plastic that we are scared of, or the losing of the mask and all the secrets underneath?
The truth we must realize is that if the Mask is put to the flame all the stuff hidden underneath it will also be burned away, even the person so that all our imperfections can be burned away and we can see in the mirror a reflection of the one who created us, more than what we were when we began.
I've been putting off starting a project titled "the Masquerade" and I have no doubt that a part of that is because some were inside I know that it will call to question what masks I still hide behind... and I have to ask myself this same question, what is it that I am afraid of?