"What are we gonna do for Easter?"
"We'll have a bunny!"
"What? What does a bunny have to do with Jesus!?"
"Don't worry, he'll lay eggs...and then we'll hide them in the yard and find them again!"
I don't rememeber who tells that joke but its funny when he does so laugh!
its Easter! its a beautiful day outside and it was an awsome service at church.
But whats the point of Easter?
the short story:
"2000 years ago God died on a cross to save the world and then he rose from the dead cause he's to awsome to be held down by death" -CHV (chuck hendrix version)
But whats the point? why did Jesus die on a cross? We can look around and see that we still have plenty of problems in the world. So why?
What if the point of Easter isn't the fact that the man who died to save the world defeated death? What if the point is that in doing so he gave us the tools to do the same? What if he died so we could go to the ends of the earth and defeat death?
What if Jesus died so we could live life in a real way? I'm so tired of "Church Edicat" that I could puke.
Jesus didn't die for "Church Edicat" he died for life and love and hope and joy. Jesus died so we could be like David and dance with all our might and not care what the people around us say. He died so we could be like the aposles and declare his name unto death. He died so we could be like Moses, unsure of ourselves and scared but made to be great in the name of God. He died so we could tame the lions in the den and heal the sick and move mountains and tear down walls and lift his name up and bring him to every one.